Tuesday, July 08, 2008

The HACK BLOWFIST! Statements of Principles

HACK BLOWFIST is open for business. It is intended to host interesting articles, reviews and rants about nearly anything, random lists from it's contributors, and maybe even a little bit of creative writing and drawing. It's hard to tell.

The initial staff is:
  • Mr. Shemp (the editor in chief) (that's me)
  • Larry White (head music critic and senior editor)
  • Steven Penny (head of sensitivity and art)
  • Eric Andis (head critic of printed materials)
  • Maggot (chief anarchy catalyst and bass)
  • Rex Dart (office whipping boy & eskimo spy)
Some of the staff may post under their own logins, but if they're too lazy to do that, I'll post it under their byline.

Whereas some blogs might post 5 or 6 times a day with "Me Too!" posts, or just links to outside articles, we don't cotton to those shenanigans. All posts will either be substantial articles from one of the staff, or original reviews, a brief commentary, or perhaps a link to an outside article and then our own take on it. Yeah, that's a lot more work that the average blog puts in, but damn it, we feel strongly on this.

We also intend to run series of articles as well, whether they be reflective, multi-part overviews of a certain director or actor or film series, or episode guides to a specific tv show, or perhaps even serialized fiction or non-fiction stories. We like to read continuing installments in a series, so we're going to write 'em too.

Our vision for the future also extends to printed materials as well: we foresee a multi-volume printed set of THE BEST OF HACK BLOWFIST! books, as well as perhaps volumes dedicated to movie reviews or episode guides or somesuch. At this point, the plans are sketchy, but we intend to do this, perhaps with an eye towards putting some scratch into our writer's pockets.

We also envision a whole line of HACK BLOWFIST! merchandise, so start saving your quarters now.

Initially, the postings should be at least once a day, but as we ramp up (and maybe add other contributors) we expect to do more than that, barring unforeseen circumstances, like life or work or something like that.

Our mission is simple: Never To Be Boring, and To Point You Towards The Good Stuff. Hopefully, we'll live up to that, and maybe a damn sight more.

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